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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thermometer vs. Thermostat?

Have you ever known someone who seems to set a positive tone every time he or she enters a room? Their presence is either electrifying or through a calm knowing, sends waves of peace into the room. But when a person in a bad mood enters the room, you also know it...and feel it. It's awkward.  The environment becomes tense with the negative energy and those around the person feel on edge or worse, drained of all positive energy they originally possessed. (I think we have all been there).  Look around at your friends and the people you are in constant contact with. What does it look like? Is your close circle positive and uplifting and pushes you to be your best? Or Is your close circle full of 'Debbbie Downer's" and when you walk away you feel down and negetive?  Let's put it another way, is your glass half full or half empty by the company you keep?  Let's even go deeper who are you in the your close circler, at work, in public.... are you the one that sets the tone or do you bring everyone down?  Le'slook at the defintiion of a Thermometer vs. Thermostat...

1.        Thermometer:  an instrument for measuring the fluctuating temperature. 
2.        Thermostat:   to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically.
Therefore, the person being affected by someone else’s energy is like a thermometer. While the other person, who knowing or unknowingly impacts others, positively or negatively is like a thermostat. I think  that the reason behind many “thermometers” is their own discouragements.

So let's make it simple. I was reading an article the other day and to summarize it said, "Thermometers like to criticize once a direction is chosen." They always notice when something is wrong BUT can't find what needs to be done to fix it. They end up fluctuating up and down, cant adapt. "Thermostats take the temperature of the room first and then put a plan in place to adapt." These are the leaders and the visionaries, and the people you can rely on to stay calm in a crisis and lead you to the next level. Thermostats are able to work past criticism and negativity and push forward even when the odds are against them. Thermostats exhibit self-control and stability.

It is important to understand whether you are influencing or being influenced, in a situation, because it will help you to respond more wisely. Being influenced for good is never a bad idea. In fact, many people choose their friends wisely, giving and receiving positive influence, so they can develop or sharpen areas in their own lives. Which are you? Do you influence your surroundings? Or, are you influenced by your surroundings?  

Four Ways You Can Instantly Become a Thermostat:
·         Be YOU.
·         Understand what you stand for. Know your beliefs.
·          Smile, it's the least expensive way to improve your looks.... and set the tone. 
·          Respond versus react (this one takes some work and constant thinking) (I hold things in which is NOT good so sometimes when I'm pushed I react rather than respond, I am working on this) Recognize the difference.
In the ever-changing, ever-turbulent circumstances of life, our personal attitude should resemble the thermostat more than the thermometer. No matter what the temperature reads outside, whether times are good or times are bad, your internal temperature should be determined by the constant, unchanging characteristics about you.


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